Dan-Ball Wiki

Josewong Josewong 8 November 2015

Yellow Box Snake Maximum Gold

3*66*67*67 + 30 * 67 + 6 * 67 + 63 = 891297

3*67*67*66 + 30 * 67 + 6 * 66 + 63 = 891291

3*67*66*67 + 30 * 66 + 6 * 67 + 63 = 891267

3*66*68*66 + 30 * 68 + 6 * 66 + 63 = 891223

3*66*66*68 + 30 * 66 + 6 * 68 + 63 = 891075

3*68*66*66 + 30 * 66 + 6 * 66 + 63 = 891063

Therefore The Optimal Values Are Toughness At 66 And Pop-Up And Bound At 67

200 Points Proof Is Here http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=maximum+of+3xyz+%2B+30y+%2B+6z+%2B+63+on+region+{%28x%2By%2Bz+%3D+200%29+and+%28x%3E0%29+and+%28y%3E0%29+and+%28z%3E0%29}

3*33*34*33 + 30 * 34 + 6 * 33 + 63 = 112359

3*33*33*34 + 30 * 33 + 6 * 34 + 63 = 112335

3*34*33*33 + 30 * 33 + 6 * 33 + 63 = 112329

For 100 Points Optimal Values Are Toughness And Bound At 33 And Pop-Up At 34

100 Points Proof Is Here htt…

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