Dan-Ball Wiki



Pink Fish: LV 67, LP 3000, AT 20-30, Min AGI 50, Range 40. Gold 300, EXP 300. Head colour FE98FE, Body colour CCFF66.

Uses a one arrow attack. Dangerous as they exists in groups.

Red Spider: LV 68, LP 5000, AT 7-13, Min AGI 20, Range 80. Gold 300, EXP 450. Strength: Fire (AT =1). Head colour CB6565, Body colour 663333.

Shoots pellets at characters.

Yellow Eel: LV 69, LP 6000, AT 1-45x10 (Th), Min AGI 50, Range 250. Gold 300, EXP 600. Strength: Fire (AT =1), Ice (AT =1, Slow immune), Freeze (Time -95%). Head colour CBCB32, Body colour 659800.

Throws out 10 shock attacks. Only deals damage when the shock AT is bright yellow.

White Boss Eel: LV 72, LP 75000, AT 1-90, Min AGI 10, Range 500. Gold 3000, EXP 6000. Strength: Fire (AT =1), Ice (AT =1, Slow immune), Freeze (Time -95%). Head colour FEFECB, Body colour CB98FE.

Drops mine attacks. Only deals damage after the mine turns bright.

Enemy count[]

B4: 1 has 30 Pink Fish and 1 Yellow Eel

B4: 2 has 50 Pink Fish and 3 Yellow Eels

B4: 3 has 40 Red Spiders and 1 Yellow Eel

B4: 4 has 30 Pink Fish, 30 Red Spiders and 2 Yellow Eels

B4: BOSS has 3 Yellow Eels and 1 White Boss Eel

Species names[]

So what are the official names for the new heads? Hachi1 (talk) 08:50, June 21, 2013 (UTC)

I haven't ended the discussion yet... You should go to Talk:Snowfield 9. Ivan247Talk PageContributions 09:50, June 21, 2013 (UTC)
